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Outreach Fun!


Such fun getting to isolate bacteria with the Terre Haute Children's Museum visitors!



Thank you Imagination Station for letting us come and isolate bacteria with your visitors!



Had a blast doing the Microbes to Medicines Lab with the Terre Haute Children's Museum Space Camp!



Enjoyed getting to virtually participated in the Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair!



Our new high school lab is up and running! The protocol and instructional videos can be found at . Also, any teachers who are interested in doing the lab, please feel free to reach out to us! We are happy to supply petri dishes and other equipment for you to perform the lab at your school!



Fun seeing all of the great posters at the Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Sad that it had to be done remotely because of COVID-19. However, the students and organizers all did a great job! 



I had so much fun getting to talk with Sarah and Steven at Superheroes of Science about some of the work being done in the lab. Check it out!  



Awesome presentations at this year's Hitchhikers Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy! It was an honor to get to be a judge.



Had a blast getting to be a judge for the Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair! Always fun to see how much fun science elementary students can do in their own homes. My favorite was definitely the girl who determined whether her hands or her dog's paws had more bacteria growing on them :)



Really enjoyed getting to judge for the Sigma Xi Poster Session and see all of the interesting research going on around campus!



So much fun getting to be a judge for the PULSe "Five" Minute Thesis competition. Fun to learn about all the cool science happening at PULSe!



Really enjoyed getting to speak at Purdue Women In Science Program (WISP)! Great questions about how to network and communicate with faculty.




© 2020 by Elizabeth Parkinson.

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